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See InnerException for more details.The current JS runtime does not support sending streams from .NET to JS.+dotNetObjectReferencek is already being tracked by a different instance of JSRuntime.U A common cause is caching an instance of +DotNetObjectReferenceU globally. Consider creating instances of 7 at the JSInterop callsite.IThere is no tracked object with id ''. Perhaps the DotNetObjectReference instance was already disposed.dotNetObjectIdJSON serialization is attempting to deserialize an unexpected byte array.-Unexpected JSON Token 3, expected 'StartObject'.3Unexpected JSON Property ), expected 'Number'.WUnexpected number, expected 32-bit integer.5, expected 'PropertyName'./, expected 'EndObject'.Byte array  not found.__byte[]#InvocationFailure9For instance method calls, 'assemblyNameG' should be null. 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All rights reserved.XOriginalFilenameMicrosoft.JSInterop.dllNProductNameMicrosoft ASP.NET Core/ProductVersion8.0.8+954f61dd38b33caa2b736c73530bd5a2941744378Assembly Version8.0.0.0 :namedestPtrdn